
Eat That Frog!

Eat That Frog!

Eat that frog! I so often spend my days on Trello ( the program I use to keep my life as organised as possible – I highly recommend it if you don’t already use it) moving all the things I don’t want to do because I find them stressful to the following days ‘to do’ list and repeat this daily. In turn, I end up stressing for a week about something that would probably take me 10 minutes to do on a Monday morning.

Someone told me about the book by Brian Tracy called ‘Eat That Frog’  and it has made me realise how ridiculous it is that I constantly do this to myself.

So from now on I’m going to start my day doing the one or two things that I don’t want to do the most and then it can only really get better from there right?


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