

From Start to Growth

Building better quality of life in business. More connection, more support and more education helping you to grow a profitable trade business.


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Is this you?

Ready to cut through the noise and build your business?
Start where you are and I’ll meet you there!

Feeling overwhelmed?
Know where you want to go but don’t know how to get there?

Banging your head against the wall when it comes to managing it all?
(that rhyme was unintentional)

Want to regain control?
Need to tighten up your processes so you don’t get stuck in tricky situations?

Putting yourself last?
Your anxiety is high, you don’t prioritise yourself and you are feeling burn out. You need someone in your corner to help you fill your own cup so your business and home life can run at an optimum level?

I get it! I’ve been there and I’m here to offer a solution!

Does any of the below sound familiar?

A client hasn’t paid and you don’t know what steps you need to take to recover what you are owed?

Finding good (ANY) employees is making you want to jump on a plane and never return (does anybody want to work anymore? Why is everyone always ‘sick’ on Monday?)

You feel like your clients run the show and they are constantly crossing boundaries and you have trouble enforcing them resulting in frustration and resentment.

You know you can’t do it all but don’t know what you want to do or how to outsource and need some clarity?

You find it hard to be taken seriously in the trades industry - why do clients keep asking to talk to your husband??

You find it hard to juggle work/life balance – what even is work/life balance? It seems so out of reach!

You want to take on more employees but don’t know if you are quite ready?

Every time you send a quote, clients come back trying to haggle down prices - are we in Bali? If so where’s my cocktail?!

Enter the TradieWives Business Academy...

What even is the TradieWives Business Academy?

The TradieWives Business Academy gives you exclusive access to the life you always knew was possible.

Guided by our trusted TradieWives Professional Services directory partners, we’re going to help you:

  • Get focused and stay that way
  • Wrangle back control of your business
  • Throw off those desk shackles, and (most importantly)
  • Find that elusive work/life balance.

And of course, in true TradieWives style, we are going to have a lot of fun and some good laughs along the way.

You want to hear more?

  • Want help streamlining your accounting?
  • Need to find good quality employees?
  • Want to hire an apprentice, but don’t know where start?
  • Don’t know where to start with your business insurance?
  • Struggling to sort out your social media?
  • Unsure of how to organise your WHS/Compliance requirements?
  • Unsure of what software you should be using?
  • Want to grow and scale your trades business?
  • Want to up our self-care to help you find some work/life balance?

If you said ‘YES’ to any of the above, you are in the right place!

Hi, I'm Verity

In 2018, I left my full time job to support my husband Craig as his business moved from sole trader to a construction and landscaping company. He’d spend all day on the tools only to come home and spend many more hours juggling the admin side of running a successful small business.

With my background in marketing and advertising, I felt like I could offer some help. The catch was, I only had a small amount of experience with the actual day to day running and operation of a small business.

It was a challenge.

There were long nights, endless research and a whole lot of trial and error. I started feeling isolated as I struggled to support our growing business. It was then I realised I couldn’t be the only one. Surely there must be other women feeling this way too.

And that’s how in 2018, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, TradieWives was born.

What began as a small support group for women is now a recognised business in its own right, with an active, engaged and inspirational community with more than 26,000 (and counting) members.

What does the TradieWives Business Academy Membership Offer?

So, what's the investment?

How are we different to other trade business memberships?

Unlike other trade business memberships, this is the ONLY female only membership for wives and partners of tradies and women who work in trades!

This membership has been carefully curated from my personal experience as a partner of a tradie working who is working in the business. I know what it feels like to go from’ just helping out’ to stepping up and being a business partner.

And perhaps the best thing of all is you get to start where you are.

It doesn’t matter if you’re yet to step into the role of Tradie Wife, you’ve been doing it out alone for a few years or you’re an expert-level Tradie Wife with everything all sorted out and running smoothly (but you’re all about connecting and networking)

The TradieWives Business Academy has a space for every Tradie Wife.

Still not sure?

We throw so much of ourselves into the business and managing everyone else, that we can often forget about ourselves and our own needs (I see you!).

This will be a nurturing and nourishing community full of like-minded women cheering you on. I know that when something isn’t right in one area of your life it has a flow-on effect on all the other areas and I want to support you. I am focused on bringing back some JOY after a really (really) challenging few years.

As an added bonus you can look forward to some Virtual Women’s Circles and also networking nights for the ‘TradieMen’ providing a space for them to meet the other partners and chat through any challenges they may be facing. I really believe a problem shared is a problem halved and at TradieWives, mental health is our top priority!


Who is the TradieWives Business Academy for?

Any wife or partner of a tradie working in, or planning to work in the business. Whether you are just starting out or have been in the game for years, this is for you. This membership is also fantastic for any female tradies.

How much time will I need to dedicate to the membership?

The best thing about this membership is a completely go at your own pace style of learning. Don’t worry if you can’t make a masterclass, they will all be recorded and housed in the membership portal. We will continually add resources to our business toolbox so you can always jump in and out of the various categories as they become relevant any challenges you might be facing. If you can’t make a weekly Zoom call, we will catch you up on all the goss in the exclusive membership Facebook group.

What happens once I sign up?

Once you sign up you will receive a welcome email with everything you need to know, including details on how to access the portal so you can get started right away!

I have more questions!

Our inbox is always open! [email protected]

I can’t wait for you to join us and watch you and your business thrive.

Subject to Terms & Conditions

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