
Guest Blog – Job Management Systems

Guest Blog – Job Management Systems

While cloud-based job management software saves trade business owners time and money, many people are still sticking with old-school manual processes because they don’t have the headspace to make the switch.

If chaos reigns in your business, it might be a good time to rethink whether job management software could help streamline your processes. If you’ve already installed job management software, are you making the most of it?

Read on if you need a lifesaver right now.

Does the size of my business matter?

Every trade business – big or small – will benefit from using the right job management tool to boost productivity, reduce errors, and improve the customer experience. Start by asking yourself what you need to get done in a day. From there, you can weigh up which platform will work best for you.

Here’s a list of key job management software providers (in alphabetical order), for your consideration:

Be patient. Yes, it can feel like pulling teeth. We encourage you to push through because once your software is up and running; you’ll never look back.

Why cost should not be the deciding factor

When we implemented job management software – which linked to a cloud accounting platform – into our own trade business, we eliminated three days of admin work almost overnight! Think about time saved when considering costs.

Sometimes, you have to spend money to save money.

In saying that, you should always carefully assess any major investment. If you are honestly feeling the pinch financially, really understand the value a job management system will bring to you and your business. Don’t go further into debt to make happen this happen. Always clear any debt first.

Get more bang for your buck

When you decide to use any job management software in your trade business, you’ll want to squeeze out every bit of benefit. In reality, many of us only scratch the surface in adopting the features and functionality of the product.

Learn the ins-and-outs of the platform. Most service providers have excellent resources available to help you better figure out the software’s capabilities – training videos, FAQs, help documentation, and live support.

Get the best return on investment you possibly can!

 Tune in to new feature updates

Your job management software provider will email you regular updates on new features and functionality. Hold the delete button. Be conscious of these updates and consider how they can serve your team members, profit margin, and customers. You will find new features are easy to sync with your existing set up.

Wrangling the demands of a trade business can feel like you’re in the trenches every day. It is hard yakka. When you’re in the thick of it, it can feel like there is no end in sight. While having a phone, spreadsheet and paper trail will get you so far; job management software will open your eyes to what’s possible.

Remember: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve got”.  

Author Notes

Angela and Andy Smith are co-founders of Lifestyle Tradie, Australia’s #1 trade business educators. They teach tried-and-tested strategies that have led to success in their own award-winning trade business, Dr DRiP Plumbing.

Meet Angela and Andy at free Next Level Tradie live event near you. TradieWives, claim your free ticket for our August and September 2019 event dates.

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